Thursday, January 17, 2013


This is my second day in Hong Kong! I would've written sooner but to be honest by the time the evening rolls around I lack all motivation to do anything but stay awake! Jet lag has definitely gotten the best of me these past two nights. However, tonight my energy level is much better, perhaps because I found JIF peanut butter at the market. No words can begin to describe my excitement and utter joy.

Hong Kong is very exciting---mainly because it is a city and everything is new to me. I like that there is still greenery here, along with all the cement. However, I am in the new territories, not the island. I hear the island is a little more crowded and less green. Cars drive on the left, which is a completely new and unexpected phenomenon for me.

All in all, HK is very much English friendly. Most people speak English, I was pleased to find out. Also, most signs have English translations. Very helpful.

I also have some bad news: I found out today that I probably won't have access to my blogspot once we enter mainland China. Obviously, this devastated me. I really want to record my experiences this semester. Therefore, I hope to make a travel blog on a website that is allowed in China. The exact URL is yet to be determined. I'll ask around and see what I find.

A sample of my life here:

The room I'm staying in.
My roommates! 

A sweet looking statue from across the water.
The "living area"
More pictures coming! It just takes forever to load them and so I became impatient. 

I'm off to bed! 
