Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Y E A R o f 2 0 1 4

A C C O M P L I S H  G O A L S :

  1. plant something √
  2. run a marathon 
  3. graduate from college √
  4. leave the state for a while √
  5. finish something by Tolstoy √
  6. de-clutter 
  7. go camping/backpacking √
  8. live independently (apartment? tiny house?) √
  9. get a real job √ - or - go to grad school 
  10. publish something √

C U L T I V A T E  H A B B I T S : 

  1. get up early 
  2. wash the dishes
  3. budget everything
  4. read daily 
  5. blog once a week
  6. exercise 4-5 days per week
  7. take pictures monthly
  8. grind my own coffee beans
  9. cook with tofu (less meat)
  10. find a tea strainer and explore loose-leaf teas √

R E T A I N  P R I N C I P L E S : 

  1. ask: will this matter a year from now?
  2. look for things no one else catches
  3. say less and mean more
  4. find joy in the ordinary
  5. avoid trying to make things perfect
  6. be decisive 
  7. make small, continuous improvements
  8. productive, not busy
  9. teach others 
  10. own less

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